Webpages Generated by the GED2WWW Version 0.31
The set of webpages was generated by free software called GED2WWW version 0.31 (created by Leslie Howard). The website from which the free software was originally obtained has since gone offline permanently; but, a copy of that website was archived by the Wayback Machine at the archive.org library website.
The webpages display information from the GEDCOM in the following manner:
- Individuals (without death date information) who were born on or after a certain date (or married on or after a certain date) were regarded as living; so, their personal information was automatically concealed for privacy reasons.
- Any two individuals who were parents to a child are listed as spouses, regardless of their marital status. In genealogy, any two people who conceived a child together are regarded as married, regardless of whether or not they were formally/legally married.
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