Index of "M-P" Businesses
of Beresford, SD
Categories: Meat Markets, Merchants, Miscellaneous, Movie Theaters, Optometrist, Pharmacies, Photographers, and Produce Buyers.
Meat Markets
- Birnie Meat Market (c. 1932)
- Hostetler and Wiggers (c. 1923)
- Palmer's Market (c. 1910)
- People's Meat Market (c. 1900)
- Robert Rasmussen Meat Market (c. 1891)
- The Bargain Store (1872-1909)
- Ben Franklin (c. 1961-1987)
- Bessie's Variety Store (c. 1961-c. 1966)
- Davidson Brothers (c. 1898)
- Dollar General (2006-present)
- Dollar+ Store (2004-2007)
- The Gamble Store/Gambles (c. 1940-c. 1979)
- Hammer and Larsons (c. 1898)
- Hilling's Variety Store (c. 1923)
- Jacobson and Peterson Merc. Co. (c. 1916-c. 1923)
- Jerome Mangan's fancy goods (c. 1891)
- Leafman General Merchandise Store (1932- )
- K and K Co. (1922-c. 1976)
- McKee and Company Store (c. 1918-c. 1934)
- Miller's Variety Store (c. 1916-c. 1947)
- Montgomery Ward/Jervik Sales Agency (c. 1976-c. 1979)
- Moon's Store (c. 1947)
- Sundstrom and Sundstrom (c. 1898)
- Variety Discount Store (2003-present)
- A. Boynton's Tailor Shop (c. 1911)
- ABC Cleaners (c. 1975)
- Advance Trading Inc ( -present)
- American Engineering Testing Inc ( -present)
- American Express Financial Advisors- Gary Schaap ( -present)
- Anderson Carpet Sales and Service (c. 1973-c. 1976)
- Anderson Company (c. 1923)
- Adolph Hanson Leather Shop (c. 1947)
- Bachman Machine Shop (c. 1947)
- Beresford Auto Salvage (1934-1971)
- Beresford Creamery and Produce (1897-c. 1947)
- Beresford Co-op Oil Co. (c. 1947)
- Beresford Flour Mills (c. 1911)
- Beresford Lanes (c. 1981)
- Beresford Lockers (c. 1947-c. 1973)
- Beresford Mfg Co. (c. 1979)
- Beresford Municipal Telephone Co. (c. 1932)
- Beresford Ready Mix (c. 1979-present)
- Beresford Rendering Co. (c. 1932)
- Beresford Roofing Co. (c. 1961-c. 1979)
- Beresford Sanitary Rendering Service (c. 1947)
- Bert's Appliance Co. (1947?-??)
- Bethesda Dairy (c. 1932)
- Bethesda Home for the Aged (c. 1979)
- Betty's Antiques and Things ( -present)
- Bogue and Johnson (c. 1923)
- Boyer Ready Mix Sand and Rock Inc. (c. 1992)
- Builder's Agri-Systems (c. 1981)
- C. M. Pedersen Blacksmith Shop (1947-??)
- Calico Cottage (2001-present)
- Care-Rite Carpet Cleaners ( -present)
- Carlson Brothers (c. 1910)
- Carlson Produce (c. 1961-c. 1975)
- Christenen's Cotton Shop (c. 1975-c. 1979)
- Clayton Keisers and Sons (c. 1979-c. 1981)
- Clean Tech ( -present)
- Cole's Harness Shop (c. 1923)
- Coop Service Association (c. 1966-c. 1987)
- Curves (2003-present)
- The Cotton Shop (c. 1973-c. 1981)
- Dailey Ice Company (c. 1932)
- Dakota Hatcheries (c. 1932)
- Distinctive Homes by Design Inc ( -present)
- Don's Salvage (c. 1975-present)
- Donzo's Handyman Service (c. 2003-present
- Doyle's Clean Tech ( -present)
- Duea and Nygaard (c. 1918)
- E. A. Carlson's Store (c. 1923)
- Earl Geveshausen Truck Service (c. 1961)
- Empire Homes (c. 1979)
- Erickson's Heating and A/C (c. 1993-present)
- Every Bloomin' Thing (c. 1979)
- Farmer's Coop Elevator (c. 1940-c. 1973)
- Farmer's Elevator (c. 1987)
- The Farmer's Exchange
- Flowers by Bob ( -present)
- Foster's cheap cash store (c. 1891)
- Fruen Elevator (c. 1966-c. 1987)
- Gabel Refrigeration and Heating (c. 1983)
- Geveshausen Gary Trucking ( -present)
- Graham and Sons Bankrupt Store (c. 1900)
- Great Plains Supply Co. (c. 1966-c. 1979)
- H and R Appliance Sales (2004-present)
- Harkness Ready Mix (c. 1979)
- Harvester (c. 1979)
- Hermanson Wood Shop (c. 1940-c. 1947)
- Holly Pederson, CPA (c. 1979)
- Independent Oil "66" (c. 1979)
- Intense Graphics (c. 2003)
- J. L. Buum, Frigidaire and Delco Light Dealer (c. 1932)
- Jacobson Brothers (c. 1918)
- K and M Crafts (1994-??)
- Kelly's Every Bloomin Thing (c. 1992)
- Klass Produce Co. (c. 1947)
- Kruse Building Center (c. 1987)
- Lee's Camera Shop (c. 1947)
- Lemon's Department Store (c. 1918)
- Lemon's Cash Store (c. 1932)
- Lunch Box (1994-??)
- M. and M. Manurfacturing Co., Inc. (c. 1979-c. 1983)
- Merriman Drilling (c. 1979)
- Messler Plumbing and Heating (c. 1979)
- N. Kellner, The Tailer (c. 1932)
- Nichols Fruit Co. (c. 1940)
- Nygaard's Paint Store (c. 1961)
- Ole Wevik Magneto and Radiator Shop (c. 1947)
- Opera House (c. 1899-c. 1911)
- Osborn House (c. 1889)
- The Pantry (c. 1940)
- Phil Sieler, Tolly's, Inc. (c. 1975)
- Pioneer Mortgage (c. 1979)
- Plush Puppy (1988- )
- Printing Plus (c. 1992-present)
- Productin Credit Association (c. 1973-c. 1979)
- Rasmussen and Co. (c. 1940)
- The R. C. U. Store (c. 1923)
- Ritz Ballroom (c. 1947)
- Ryger's Produce and Hatchery (c. 1940-c. 1953)
- Salberg Produce (c. 1947)
- Schlotfeldt Engineering, Inc. (2001-present)
- Simplot Soilbilders (c. 1987-present)
- Sioux Motot Cleaner Mfg. Co. (c. 1947)
- Sioux Steam Cleaner Corp. (c. 1966-present)
- Skaff's Liquor (c. 1940-c. 1947)
- Slumberland (2001-present)
- Small Engine Center (c. 1979)
- Southeastern Overhead Door LLC (-present)
- Strom's Electric Hatchery (c. 1932)
- Sweeney's Oil Co. (c. 1979)
- Taste and See Art (c. 2003-present)
- Terrace Park Dairy (c. 1979)
- Tiedeman Refrigeration and Appliance Repair ( -present)
- Therapeutic Massage (1999?-present)
- The Washhouse Laundromat (2001-present)
- Tri-County Farmer's Union Co-op Store (c. 1940-c. 1979)
- Truck Towne Casino (2001-present)
- Ultimate Fitness (2003-present)
- Video Plus (1988-19??)
- Vik Agri-Products (c. 1983)
- VFW Club (c. 1961-c. 1966)
- VFW-Legion Lounge ( -present)
- Vogel, Thomas, C. P. A. (c. 1979)
- Wall 2 Wall (2004-present)
- Weatherton Contracting Comp., Inc. ( -present)
- Wilson Forwarding Co. (c. 1940)
- Zachary Mfg Co. (c. 1979)
Movie Theaters
- Vision Solutions (2000-present)
- A. M. French Drug Store ( -??)
- Bierbaum Drug and Gift (c. 1973-1988)
- Bruehler and Bierbaum Drug (c. 1961-c. 1966)
- Bruehler and Bruehler/Bruehlers' Drug Store (c. 1918-c. 1953)
- Case Pharmacy (c. 1966-1981)
- Corner Drug Store (c. 1910-c. 1947)
- H. H. Maupin (c. 1891)
- Hammer and Larson's Drug Store (c. 1898)
- Hill Pharmacy (1981-present)
- Jacobson Bros. Druggists (c. 1923)
- The Jacobson Drug Store (c. 1910)
- J. C. Jocelyn Drug Store ( -??)
- Krieb's Pharmacy (c. 1906)
- Ramsdell Drug Store ( -1908?)
- Bonnie's Impressions ( -present)
- Graverson Studio (c. 1947-c. 1975)
- Keller Photography (1910?-c. 1940)
- Lee's Studio (c. 1947)
- Thranes Art Studio (c. 1899)
- Thrane's Leading Gallery (c. 1900)
Produce Buyers
- Henry Claussen (c. 1923)
- G. J. Muilenburg (c. 1923)
Main Index
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